Recent content by Hytrox

  1. H

    V1.7 Change order status automatically

    Automation should be very important for everyone.
  2. H

    v1.7-v8x Creative Elements compatible with PS 8.1 (NEWEST 10 July 2023)

    Very easy to use module. With this module you can easy modify every site u need to.
  3. H

    v1.7-v8x One click product checkout Module - latest version

    One of the best modules for fast checkout! Check this out!
  4. H

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Advanced Search 5 PRO : Filters and facets SEO 5.0.6

    I have been waiting for this! Nice module
  5. H

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Delivery Dates Wizard Pro v 2.2.21 (Newest 24 Aug 2023)

    nice module. i need to try this one and check
  6. H

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x New ChatGPT-AI-for-descriptions-v1.4.2-one-click-mass-edit-PrestaShop

    nice module. i am big fan of using chat gpt
  7. H

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x Abandoned Cart Reminder 5 in 1 - 2.0.3 - Lastest

    I have big problem with abandoed carts. Thank you for this module
  8. H

    v1.6-v1.7 MODULE STEP BY STEP FILTER Categories

    Thank you. Was looking for this module
  9. H

    v1.6-v1.7 PrestaShop Export Products

    Very nice export module. Thanks for sharing.
  10. H

    V1.7 Security Pro - All in One Module V 8.8.12

    Thank you a lot. It seems to be good module.
  11. H

    V1.7 FastBay 6.3.2 Module for Prestashop - eBay sync

    Thats great integration with ebay.
  12. H

    v1.6-v1.7 1 CLICK to Migrate or Upgrade – Upgrade PrestaShop to latest version 2.1.7

    This is very simple module. Very nice.
  13. H

    v1.6-v1.7 Cross Selling Pro - Upsell - Shopping cart & all pages Module

    One of the best cross sell module.
  14. H

    v1.6-v1.7 Module Mega Menu PRO – Drag & drop visuel

    One of the best module i have ever used.
  15. H

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Order Edit - Change and Modify existing order Module

    I have always need to edit order. With this module its allowed and very easy.