Search results

  1. alkeshgoswami1111

    WP Job Manager v2.1.1 + Addons - I need Plugins

    WP Job Manager Nulled is a lightweight plugin for adding job-board functionality to your WordPress site. Being shortcode-based, it can work with any theme (given a bit of CSS styling) and is simple to set up. Shortcodes allow you to easily output individual jobs in various formats, lists of...
  2. alkeshgoswami1111

    WP Job Manager v2.1.1 + Addons (Activated)

    WP Job Manager v2.1.1 + Addons (Activated) Hello It seems like your request is a bit unclear. If you're looking for a WordPress plugin related to messaging, there are various plugins available based on what specific functionality you need. Here are a few types of messaging-related plugins for...