Search results

  1. P


    Please provide us the latest version of AUCTION PRO
  2. P


    Please can someone give us the latest version of auction pro
  3. P

    V1.7 [ REQUEST ] Auction PRO without bugs

    Any updates?
  4. P

    V1.7 [ REQUEST ] Auction PRO without bugs

    PS, Php version 7.2
  5. P

    V1.7 [ REQUEST ] Auction PRO without bugs

    Hello guys, I need this module "Auction PRO" or any module similar without bugs, the one that exists on this forum have bugs, when I add a product to auction it works then after few minutes the page won't show any css, only texts, the bottom of page has this error: "(1/1) FatalThrowableError...
  6. P

    V1.7 Show price in different currencies 1.4.7

    How to update thoses prices when the base price is changed due to customisations?
  7. P

    V1.7 [ Request ] Module that shows equivalent price in multiple currencies

    Doesn't work when price is updated
  8. P

    V1.7 [ REQUEST ] Need a free auto translation module

    Theme & CMS, I'm only using prestashop's default translation... Some pages aren't translated
  9. P

    V1.7 [ REQUEST ] Display product price in multiple currencies dynamically

    I need this module or similar module to this please I'm using dynamic product with a user input that impact the price ( PAY WHAT YOU WANT as DONATION ) 1628013021 Please help, its a charity...
  10. P

    V1.7 [ REQUEST ] Need a free auto translation module

    Please provide me a free translation module, all modules ask for API key that requires money or license
  11. P

    V1.7 [ Request ] Module that shows equivalent price in multiple currencies

    Does someone have a module like this one?
  12. P

    v1.6-v1.7 Dynamic Pricing - Prestashop Addons PS0146

    Thanks for sharing but I cannot add Fields, can someone help me? When I click on Add Field nothing appears I tried to reinstall but still the same problem
  13. P

    v1.6-v1.7 Shipping module

    - Delivery methods: -> Mode 1: By destination - dynamic delivery amount -> Mode 2: Recovery from the repository - free
  14. P

    v1.6-v1.7 Shipping module

    Is there any free shipping module?
  15. P

    V1.7 Custom price field

    Thanks for help
  16. P


    Give new members free nullcash so they can be motivated to stay active
  17. P


    This forum is the best forum i have ever visited, keep going, nice work
  18. P

    How to buy nullcash?

    I want to buy nullcash