GDPR 2.0 (Jul 22 2021)


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Dec 30, 2020
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GDPR for Joomla! is the state of the art to manage cookies and resources and have your website compliant with the EU GDPR law. It is the only trusted software in the world that can actually block cookies and resources.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is fully enforceable in the European Union involving even countries outside the European Union that handle personal data of EU citizens. After the deadline of May 25, 2018 all organisations are expected to be compliant with EU GDPR and 2020 is the year of GDPR enforcement.

Moreover the Joomla! GDPR component is compliant even with the German EUGH Cookie Law, European ECJ, CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) as of January 1, 2020, Italian new Cookie Law as of June 2021 and with Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ and of Ukraine "On Personal Data".

This means that there are a new set of rules to consider when dealing with personal data of users. The GDPR component aims to extend the Joomla! core with a set of extra features, currently missing, in order to have Joomla! compliant with the EU GDPR law.

What about the new Joomla! 3.9 Privacy Tool Suite? The GDPR component integrates with it and it's the perfect fit to extend the core features provided by Joomla! 3.9 and the most required extension to fully cover all GDPR requirements!

-GDPR Cookie consent:
actually block local, third-party cookies and the user session before the consent is given, even allowing revocable consent and cookie classification

-Delete/Export profile: allow users to delete or export in a machine readable format their profile at any time

-Data breach management: if a data breach occurs you can manage and notify violated users quickly within 72 hours

-Highly customizable: customize the theme, colors, contents and the integration with third party extensions

-Multilanguage: you can translate contents for the cookie toolbar, form controls and email using the Joomla! multilanguage

-Log user changes: log every change in a user profile, track old and new values and generate a CSV/Excel report

-Log users and consents: log every change in a user profile to track old and new values, log given consents to your forms and generate a CSV/Excel report

-Website audit: integrated Site Audit feature to quickly find cookies and domains used

-Logs of cookie consents: the Joomla! GDPR component is able to track even consents given for the cookie usage both by visitors and registered users of your website

-Privacy policy: include the privacy policy checkbox in every form dealing with personal data

-Record of activities: the component is able to manage the record of processing activities and its generation in both Excel and OpenOffice format

-Dynamic checkbox: create custom consents for multiple services offered on your website

-Notifications: get notified when a user deletes his profile, notify users quickly if a problem occurs

-Permissions: take advantage of an advanced management of permissions and exclusions by user group

-Integrations: GDPR is able to integrate with every extension that generates a form thanks to advanced settings


