Recent content by dowhyme

  1. D

    Veronika Osclass Theme 1.6.2 Updated

    Latest version is 1.6.3 this is 1.6.2 which is very good, thanks!
  2. D

    Osclass tutorial - Find and Block bad bots

    For everyone else who do consider to change their .htaccess file, It is risky to change your .htaccess file if you do not know what you are doing.. just saying.
  3. D

    Welcome Box Osclass

    Thanks! This one is very usefull.
  4. D

    How to install the OS CMS System

    Well i owuld start with youtube tutorials, since this can not be explained in few words. Depending on CMS you want, define your search on youtube. Best of luck!
  5. D

    Osclass plugins for you.

    Thank you very much kind sir!
  6. D

    Ad Importer Osclass Plugin (Csv, Xml, Json)

    Thank you!
  7. D

    Osclass Pay Payment Plugin

    Latest version is 3.4.4
  8. D

    Booking & Calendar Osclass Plugin

    ban this tool already
  9. D

    Anyone have this osclass plugins

    the real mvp
  10. D

    Success Publish Box OsclassPlugin

    Thanks kind sir
  11. D

    Beta Osclass Theme

  12. D

    Delta Osclass Theme

    Well no one reacted
  13. D

    Item Limits Osclass Plugin

    Well there is no item do dwonload
  14. D

    Does anyone have Item Limits Osclass Plugin?

    Does anyone have this one? Item Limits Osclass Plugin