Recent content by mayer2000

  1. M

    Working Cookie Consent Plugin (Requeired)

    I tried all cookie plugins, but unfortunatly no one was working as aspected. Does any body have a clou why it is so difficult to find something adequet here?
  2. M

    Tutoria to hack license of any plugin

    HEy is there any tutorial out there to explain how to hack a plugin license?
  3. M

    Gravity Form Event Tracking Plugin

    How to make Gravity Form Event Tracking compliant with Cookie privacy laws?
  4. M

    Plugin to analyse user expirences without Google

    Hey folks, do you know plugins for user expiereicne tracking without google analytics? Which are the best?
  5. M

    How urgent is it to creat a GDPR (DSGVO, RGPD) cookie conset pop up?

    I am wondering how it will be possible to run a webpage without any pravicy legit?
  6. M

    Simply Schedule Appointments Plus (Request)

    Does any body can upload Simply Schedule Appointments Plus? Thx,
  7. M

    Track a users form submission for google tag manager

    Which Plugin you can recommend to track a user form submissions for google tag manager?
  8. M

    Do I need to install Thrive Architekt to be able to install Thrive Quizz Builder?

    Do I need to install Thrive Architekt to be able to install Thrive Quizz Builder?
  9. M

    Is it legal to use a nulled version of a payable wordpress plugin?

    Is it legal to use a nulled version of a payable wordpress plugin?
  10. M

    Is there any Quizz Builder Tool you can recommend?

    Is there any Quizz Builder Tool you can recommend?
  11. M

    Do I need Thrive architect for quizz bulider

    Hey is it necessary to install the thrive architect in order to be able to install the thrive quizz bulider?
  12. M

    The Events Calendar Gravity Forms Registration PlugIn

    This make it possible to redirect request directly to a thank you page.
  13. M

    Automator Uncanny triggers for guests to register by from submit of post type "event"

    How to enable triggers for guests to treat them like registered users after submitting a registration form?
  14. M

    Events Calendar Registration with Redirection to Thank You Page

    Is it possible to directly redirect a guest to a thank you page after registrating for an event?
  15. M

    The Event Calendar Registration with Redirection

    Is it possible to redirect requests or registrations to a booking page?