Recent content by nemo

  1. N

    DJ-Classifieds v3.8.3.3 [Joomla 3] + [Addons>DJ-Classfiends]

    thank you for sharing this! very cool component..
  2. N

    Minitek Slider Pro 4.4.0 - Joomla slider

    very cool! thank you for adding this module
  3. N

    Oslcass plugins - OpenStreetMaps, Cache plugin, Cookie Consent, Osclass Pay Payment

    maybe someone has osclass payments yandex money - last vers
  4. N

    Advanced Custom Fields Pro v2.4.0

    thank you dude for sharing this module. all the best to you!
  5. N

    JSitemap Pro 4.8

    I was looking! big thank you for sharing this
  6. N

    Convert Forms Pro v4.x - A Joomla Form Builder

    Thank you so much for sharing! That's cool! 1680543443 version Pro 4.0.2 is it available?
  7. N

    OSclass plugin collection will add more to the tread!!!

    thank you very much! this is a great gift for everyone it's good that a new version has appeared
  8. N

    Updates of few Osclass Themes & Plugins

    thank you very much! this is a great gift for everyone, it's good that a new version has appeared
  9. N

    Latest Current Version of some Osclass Theme & Plugins

    очень вам благодарен! это большой подарок для всех
  10. N

    OSClass Plugins pack - part 5 .

    thank you very much! this is a great gift for everyone
  11. N

    NEW OSCLASS v8.1.0 !!!

    it's realy new version? have you tested it? 1680356997 maybe there are plugins? for new version
  12. N

    Responsive Grid for Articles v3.4.4 - Joomla

    Thank you very much for sharing this module, but joomla 4 support him?
  13. N

    Minitek Wall Pro 3.9.10 & 4.3.2 - with Authentication + Plugins

    oh! my God - i found him! Cool and thanks fo you!
  14. N

    iCagenda, your events manager for Joomla!

    for joomla 4 - this module connected ? 1680928814 does anyone have a big thank you for sharing this. I was looking!
  15. N

    Balbooa Forms Builder v2.0.6

    it for joomla 4 version? or not? whay i can know this