Recent content by pimmel

  1. P

    Learning how to help

    Thanks for your answers! Is there an PHP IDE which allows to "jump" through the code from the call to the definition like in C++ IDEs or others?
  2. P

    Learning how to help

    Hi@all I tried to get to know how to "null" untouched versions of GPL licensed CMS addons. Unfortunatlely the thread, where the same question was asked is not answerable for me. And even the answers in the thread itself are.... not helpfull... Is there a way to get the knowlege and to help...
  3. P

    Hi there

    Hi, I'm new to all the stuff here and wanted to know how all of this works... Can you recommend some php debuggers? Or is there even a way to debug scripts and null them (if they are provided by GPL)? Thanks for your help!