Recent content by tottupagau

  1. T

    RO CSVI 8.2.0 joomla import export

    ...I have installed this version on J4's a DEMO version and absolutly not work!!!
  2. T

    Universal Import/Export Pro v3.6.1 NULLED

    Sorry, this version can import on J4 the users from a csv file?
  3. T

    J2XML 3.7.203 - Articles backup, moving to other websites

    Sorry, this version is for J4? Thanks for share this, have a nice day
  4. T

    Hello Everyone !!!!! Thank you all

    Hi and thank you all for accepting me in your beautiful forum ... I hope to be of help to the whole forum. Thank you
  5. T

    Import users from Excel or CSV file v2.5.7 - Joomla

    Thanks you for this beautiful component...