Search results

  1. N

    Ignite Gallery 4.6

    Thank you very much for sharing !!! 1704788301 it miss ignite gallery version 5.03, i update ignite gallery from 5.02 to 5.04, bypass 5.03. Feature show all tag fillter is missing @@
  2. N

    v1.7-v8x EAN - UPC codes Generator v1.1.8

    Thank you very much for sharing !!!
  3. N

    Instant Facebook Login v2.6.1 - instant login and registration to the site

    Thank you very much for sharing !!!
  4. N

    Google Structured Data 4.8.8

    Thank you for the new version! I'll try it right now! you are very kind
  5. N

    Ignite Gallery 4.9.1 J3/J4 with module & Plugins

    Thanks for sharing! This version of Ignite Gallery is important because it can run on joomla3&4, and data folder structure change from version 3.8
  6. N

    GDPR Component 2.10.2 (Joomla 3/4/5)

    Thanks for your sharing! This forum is really helpful!
  7. N

    Is joomla 5 worth it? debating on upgrading

    I am still on joomla 3, although want up to joomla 4, but i see a lot of work need to fix to keep front end not change 1704612411 Joomla 5 is still not stable but joomla 4 is out of support on 2024 1704612414 Joomla 5 is still not stable but joomla 4 is out of support on 2024