Search results

  1. F

    V1.7 Looking for a module to translate Prestasfhop

    I'm looking for a free module to translate my prestashop 1.7.8
  2. F

    v1.7-v8x G-Translate - Free Translator Module | v1.2.5

    Un modulo que parece muy interesante para usar el traductor de google en tu tienda online!
  3. F

    V1.7 Some module to use tinymce with creative elements?

    Someone knows a Some module to use tinymce with creative elements?
  4. F

    V1.7 tinyMCE pro 1.9.1 for prestashop 1.7

    I think it is a good module but I dont know if it works in 1.7.8 1711799276 I will test it in a test 1.7.8 prestashop installation to see if it is works in these version
  5. F

    v1.7-v8x NT Backup And Restore Module V14.5.0 FULL

    Muchas gracias por el aporte! Gran modulo!
  6. F

    v1.7-v8x Minify HTML CSS JS - Incredibly speed optimization v3.1.4

    Im going to try this module in my website!!! 1700127190 yes, i have used to minify the css and the javascript of my site 1700127907 thank you for this module to minify the css and the javascript files 1700128126 i want to try it in my site to minify our css files!
  7. F

    v1.7-v8x Module SEO Pro All-In-One. URL cleaner, redirects, sitemaps... 1.9.2

    I want to test this plugin in my site to the seo of my site 1700125325 I think this module could be the best to use it in my site for the SEO!! 1700128010 I have use it and the module is very good for the SEO
  8. F

    v1.6-v1.7 Automatic Rich Snippets JSON-LD Integration - SEO Module - V 4.1.0

    I think it can works on 1.6 too, I'm going to try it now 1700125091 I have installed and works fine! thank you for your help!!!!! 1700125141 Yes!!! it is a good module, it help me to solve a problem of my SEO 1700128065 I like this module to help to the SEO in my website
  9. F

    v1.6-v1.7 Automatic Rich Snippets JSON-LD Integration - SEO Module - V 4.1.0

    Great module! I hope it be which I need to the SEO of my site!
  10. F

    V1.7 SEO Schema Markup Structured Data Rich Snippet Module V.2.7.3 Latest

    I dont know how I can use this module 1700128255 A good module to add to our prestashop website!
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    v1.6-v1.7-v8x SEO Optimizer Module - Advance SEO Expert Module v2.5.0 (02/13/2023)

    thank you for sharing the module. i will try it today 1700127615 A great module to make the best SEO in the prestashop 1700127792 I dont know if this module can minify the css files..
  12. F

    V1.7 SEO Schema Markup Structured Data Rich Snippet Module V.2.7.3 Latest

    Perfect module for make the seo to the prestashop site 1700075363 I hope the SEO Schema Markup Structured Data Rich Snippet Module V.2.7.3 works in my site
  13. F

    v1.6-v1.7-v8x SEO Optimizer Module - Advance SEO Expert Module v2.5.0 (02/13/2023)

    nice, thank you for the latest version
  14. F

    v1.7-v8x Module SEO Pro All-In-One. URL cleaner, redirects, sitemaps... 1.9.2

    thank you so much! I would like to try this module!!! 1686830273 Thank you very much! This is very useful module!