Search results

  1. blagodey

    AdAdmin - Easy full featured ad server

    ВВЕДЕННЯ У вас зростаючий веб-сайт і ви збираєтеся продавати банери? Ви вже продаєте adv позицій на вашому сайті? Вам потрібно легко відстежувати покази та кліки на банери? Дане програмне забезпечення є і adv-server, програмним забезпеченням, яке управляє рекламою на сайтах, ви можете керувати...
  2. blagodey

    Akeeba Ticket System Pro 5.2.7 for Joomla 4 and 3

    Provide support services on your site, the easy way. BBcode or full HTML editing. Email replies. WYSIWYG email template editing. Multilingual support. And much more! Multiple categories Take advantage of Joomla!'s powerful nested categories management for your support ticket categories...
  3. blagodey

    VMuikit X 10.10. Full Dynamic Content support for VirtueMart!

    Create modern and beautiful eCommerce sites with incredible ease! Use the power of YOOthemes Builder to create Dynamic Templates for VirtueMart! Extension comes with many extra features like Custom Elements, One Page Checkout and much more...
  4. blagodey

    FaLang Pro j4_4.08 and j3_3.10.6 Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way.

    FaLang Pro Translate your site in multiple languages in the easiest way. The Falang component allows you to manage all your content translations, even the content of all your components/modules, on your web site. Since the 2.0 vesion show you the status of component translation directly in...
  5. blagodey

    Scrapes v2.1.0 NULLED - content grabber for WordPress

    Scrapes is a WordPress plugin that automatically copies content from a website to your WordPress site one or more times at selected intervals. It is very easy to use, does not require any programming skills and is designed for the best user experience. You no longer need APIs that require...
  6. blagodey


    The first AMP module created for PrestaShop has finally appeared in add-ins. More than 80 built-in functions. 100% template independent – will work with any template used. A mobile page is 7 times faster based on the Google AMP project. Info...
  7. blagodey

    Advanced Ads Pro All Access 2.17.4 NULLED - Advertising Plugin for WordPress

    This solution is for displaying ads on a WordPress site. A powerful and easy-to-use advertising plugin for WordPress. Whether you've started monetizing your project, increasing your existing revenue stream, or needing enterprise integration. Off. website: Create...
  8. blagodey

    DB Replacer PRO v7.1.1 - search and replace in the Joomla database

    Working with database tables can be simple and convenient if you have a DB Replacer component. This extension for sites on Joomla allows you to quickly search and replace data in any table. And you will be able to search, including case-sensitive, and using regular expressions. In other words...
  9. blagodey

    Picasa 3.9 - is a very comprehensive program for image management and graphic

    Picasa 3.9 - is a very comprehensive program for image management and graphic editing, which can enhance and retouch your photos, while maintaining an orderly collection. This program, developed by the software giant Google, has become extremely fast and easy to use, even for those who do not...
  10. blagodey

    Yard Joomla Template For Home & Living Websites

    Yard Joomla Template For Home & Living Websites Yard is perfect for real estate, interior and architecture websites where you can present your services and projects as well as the team behind them. It's built with the YOOtheme Pro page builder...
  11. blagodey

    GavickPro-Villa-Bellucci-Joomla-Hotel-Template Solidres

    A complete hotel template for Joomla designed for all sizes of accommodation providers, from small boutique hotels to huge popular resorts, or for culture-focused attractions such as museums. Image-packed front page sections with eclectic, interesting content including slideshows can be used to...
  12. blagodey

    Шаблон Sj JoomShop Joomla - 3.10.0

    Шаблон Sj JoomShop Joomla - это потрясающий шаблон веб-сайта, который разработан для получения доступа к интернет-магазинам со склада JoomShopping. В этом шаблоне JoomShopping есть все, что вам нужно для создания широкого спектра веб-сайтов электронной коммерции, от цифровых, технологических...
  13. blagodey

    JA Quick Contact Module Add a quick contact form in a module

    JA Quick Contact module allows you to quickly add a contact form in a Joomla module on any pages in your Joomla site. It is compact and sleek. If you are afraid of spam, just install the "extra" JA Multiple Captcha Engine Plugin (for free) and can officially say goodbye to the evil spammers...
  14. blagodey

    RSSEO Suite Extension v1.21.10 Joomla! 3

    RSSEO! is the best Joomla SEO extension with tools that allows you to optimize your website for search engines. All around the Web, CMSs are used to build sites faster and easier but this poses a great burden of SEO performance of the site - this also being the case for Joomla!. We learned from...
  15. blagodey

    Translate for YOOtheme Pro Page Builder Joomla edition

    The latest Falang for YOOtheme Pro Page Builder version is: 1.0 The Falang for YOOtheme Builder plugin makes your Yootheme builder page translation simpler. This Plugin works standalone or in conjunction with the Falang translation system. You don't have to duplicate the page anymore to...
  16. blagodey


    JoomGrabber - это продвинутый инструмент, который позволяет вам захватывать и извлекать данные извне и хранить их на вашем веб-сайте Joomla, это расширение Joomla для захвата может собирать любые внешние источники данных (RSS, XML, NewsML, Youtube, ebay, электронная почта ,. ..) и сохранить в...
  17. blagodey

    Articles Field PRO v3.5.2

    Поле статей PRO vЗ.6.1 Пpи пoмoщи Поле статей oт «Обычные лаборатории» вы мoжeтe coздaвaть ccылки мeжду cтaтьями и coздaть пepeлинкoвку cтaтeй в Joomla! Поле статей PRO - этo Joomla нacтpaivaeмый плaгин Поле статей, нo вepcии PRO, кoтopый знaчитeльнo pacшиpяeт вoзмoжнocти нacтpaivaeмыx пoлeй. C...
  18. blagodey

    Direct Alias Pro v2.0.0 – красивые ссылки в Joomla

    Direct Alias Pro - плагин для Joomla который позволяет управлять алиасами меню и делает короткие ссылки без алиасов родительских пунктов меню. Убирает ID из ссылок на материалы, категории и теги. Ссылки Joomla не достаточно надежные и создавать красивые урлы нет возможности. Компонент создает...
  19. blagodey

    Vertical Menu_4.0.278_j3x

  20. blagodey


    sp transfer