Search results

  1. personalkiwi

    V1.7 2in1 Custom registration fields, Custom checkout fields

    Does anyone have the latest version (V 1.1.0) of this module [2in1 Custom registration fields, Custom checkout fields]? Thank you
  2. personalkiwi

    V1.7 Modulo per personalizzare la pagina 404

    Ciao a tutti, ero alla ricerca di un modulo da provare per personalizzare la pagina 404, ho fatto una ricerca nel forum ma non ho trovato nulla. Qualcuno può aiutarmi?
  3. personalkiwi

    V1.7 Solution to Fixing Info CVE-2022-21686?

    Hello everyone, I've notice that there is this new bug on ps CVE-2022-21686, have anyone fix this bug?
  4. personalkiwi

    V1.7 Upload Documento alla Registrazione

    Salve, qualcuno può condividere modulo per registrarsi con upload del documento? Grazie
  5. personalkiwi

    v1.6-v1.7 Addons Request Document Mandatory upload

    Does anyone have an addons with this charateristics? I'm looking forward an addons that can to upload document obbligatory at registration. Thanks in advance 1642843154 Nobody can help me?
  6. personalkiwi

    What kind of file can I share?

    what level of ownership should I have on the files to share them? Just have bought them or you have to have made them