Search results

  1. R

    v1.6-v1.7 Product Suscription v5 recurring-payments

    Thanks for sharing this module, will test it soon :)
  2. R

    v1.6-v1.7 Abandoned Cart Reminder Pro 2.3.1

    Gracias....thank you for sharingg.....
  3. R

    V1.7 Prestashop Preorder V.5.1.0 Webkul

    thx bro for sharing. very useful.
  4. R

    v1.6-v1.7 Trusted Reviews - Product Reviews, Ratings, Q&A Last version 2.0.3 01/05/2022

    Grazie per aver condiviso questa mod amico :)
  5. R

    v1.6-v1.7 Leo Postmail - Best PrestaShop Email Template

    Thank you, will try this one before buying.
  6. R

    V1.7 Template Electron Mega Electronics High Tech Super Store 3.6.1

    Thank you very much ! is very good
  7. R

    V1.7 Module JPresta Speed Pack V.7.9.35

    thank you for sharing this module
  8. R

    V1.7 Comparative PageSpeed Insights of various themes !!! And win...

    nice test, thank you for taking your time for the comunity
  9. R

    Mi presento sono rosario, creatore di ecommerce

    ciao a tutti mi presento, sono rosario e mi occupo di creazioni ecommerce, spero di essere d'aiuto qui, come voi per me.