Search results

  1. C

    V1.7 Canonical SEO URLs to Avoid Duplicate Content Module

    Little bit old last version of this module is: V 1.3.2
  2. C

    v1.6-v1.7 Module SEO Pro All-In-One. URL cleaner, redirects, sitemaps... 1.8.3

    I am very interested only in Canonical links for category. Hope they work
  3. C

    Page Cache Ultimate Module - Prestashop 1.7

    Using this. And i can say this is the best module in the market.
  4. C

    v1.6-v1.7 Prestashop Canonical SEO Module

    Thank You, any way we can get update this? This is 2.0.0 versiond and new one is V 4.1.9
  5. C

    V1.7 Shipping Costs Based on Distance Module

    Thank You will try it hope it will work.
  6. C

    What is better FluxBB, phpBB, MyBB or XenForo? please help me out :)

    Phpbb but it have allot of exploits.
  7. C

    v1.6-v1.7 Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce (GA4 + UA) - PRO v5.0.4

    I hope You will update always :) Thank You