Search results

  1. franco.carrozza

    Sourcerer 9.5.1 Pro - Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 (27 March 2023)

    Place PHP and any kind of HTML, CSS and JavaScript code right into your content! Not only in your articles, but also in categories, modules, components, the head of the HTML page, etc. You can simply place your custom codes right into your WYSIWYG Editor. The only thing you have to do is...
  2. franco.carrozza

    Login as User Pro v3.5.9 - Login at front-end as a specific user.

    I didn't know it was possible, I never finish learning, thanks!
  3. franco.carrozza

    Akeeba Backup Pro for J!4 - The component which boldly goes beyond backup.

    very helpful indeed, thanks for sharing it here
  4. franco.carrozza

    HikaShop Business v4.x - UPDATED

    Does anyone have an example of how payment plugin configuration parameters can be retrieved within the onPaymentNotification function? I've searched for a long time but the examples I've found don't seem to work. Thank you.
  5. franco.carrozza

    EasySocial Pro v4.x - from Stackideas

    Grazie per averlo messo a disposizione!
  6. franco.carrozza

    About NullCash System

    Forse un pò macchinoso, grazie per la spiegazione
  7. franco.carrozza

    Sourcerer Pro v9.x - Regular Labs

    Grazie per la versione 9.3 ora bisogna solo riuscire a fare il download...
  8. franco.carrozza

    Komento Pro v4.0.5 - Comment extension for Joomla!

    Thank you very much for this component. 1674804933 Grazie, ideale per fare qualche test di funzionamento
  9. franco.carrozza

    HikaShop Business - E-commerce solution for Joomla

    Thank you very much for sharing it!