V1.7 ERP and/or Accounting Software / Module for Prestashop in the DACH regions?


Feb 21, 2022
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Hi great community

Few years ago I started with Magneto - great when you have 2 IT departments. Now I changed all my (small) shops to prestashop.
I thougt than it will be easier to find a useful and affordable "ERP" software, or a save way to sync the inventory in ... 10 different shops - without a multi shop.
- Was a big mistake. After 2000h, 85 burnouts and 8 failed su1cide attempts - I found a way to sync the stock AND a Swiss bookkeeping software who are able to connect prestashops... Now the greedy swiss mountains monkeys have decided that every connection to a prestashop should cost 35.-/month...

However, this is my biggest problem to solve, because there are 4 Swiss "ERP" Softwares which are programmed in 1999 in a cowshed and cost 50 times more than a German and - "OH MY GOD, WHAT DOES YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SAY THAT YOU HAVE MORE THAN 2 SHOPS?" This is definitly too much for the renowned swiss "top" systems..

Now i work for some topics with storecommander and have created our own "stone age system" better a way who works.. more or less.

Did somewhere know a "payable" ERP/Software which can help in this point?

There are 1-2 programs which are able to connect CH banks, some even with a swiss conform bookkeeping software but then you can only connect 1 shop or it will cost a million...

I tryed some cool softwares like odoo - which is VERY opensource and cheap... to much for a poor swiss corona surviver company :-(

Any Ideas?

Thanx a lot!