v1.6-v1.7-v8x Picking list - list of product to be shipped Module


Active member
Jun 21, 2020
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Overview - DEMO
Generate a list of all the products contained in orders you want to ship. Combines products contained in several orders and saves time on the preparation of orders by going only once to the stock.
What this module does for you
event_available Help save time
- Save time on the preparation of orders, increase productivity with better Picking:
You generate a single list that contains all the products in orders you want to ship. The order picker will have to go just one time at your stock to take all the products before dispatching.

- Groups the products that are in several orders
If multiple orders contain the same product, the product will appear only once on the pickinglist with the amount needed for all orders. The order picker will have to go just one time to pick this product instead of several times for each order.

- Allows a double checking of packages:
You check the contents of the packages twice: at global picking and during packing. At the end, if a product is still on your "preparation table", it means you forgot it on one order. And you will find it on the picking list.

- Allows a stock inventory "step by step":
You can display on the picking list the "remaining stock" of the products contained in the list. It allows you to check your stock every days in a simple way, at each picking. No need to do big inventory.
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What your customers will like
- Allows to be more responsive on the preparation and shipping of orders
- Allows to have a fairer stock and less frustration for products out of stock
The installation of this module is very simple and does not require any technical knowledge.
Will work immediately.
Module totally independent from the rest of your shop.
Only on the back office, no impact for an online visitor.