Elementor PRO v3.6.0 - WordPress Page Builder | +INFO
The latest updates to the Elementor Pro plugin
Changelog: v3.6.0 | 2022-01-31
New: WooCommerce Purchase Summary widget - Fully customize the content and style of your order summary page
New: WooCommerce Notices styling on Site Settings - Customize the appearance of WooCommerce notices
New: WooCommerce Notices widget - Set the position of WooCommerce notices on your shop pages
Experiment: Page Transitions - Customize the page loading experience, and increase brand recognition
Tweak: Added WooCommerce & Theme Elements widgets to Improved CSS Loading experiment to save up 126KB per page load
Tweak: Added new layout options in WooCommerce Add To Cart and WooCommerce Custom Add To Cart widgets
Tweak: Added Stroke functionality for typography control in various widgets
Tweak: Removed `elementor-section-wrap` by adding it to the Optimized DOM Output experiment
Tweak: Added style controls for variations in WooCommerce Menu Cart widget
Tweak: Added color control to navigation dots in Media Carousel, Reviews, and Slides widgets
Tweak: Disabled Vimeo autoplay on edit mode when getting video data in Video Playlist widget
Tweak: Added notice about Facebook's new EU consent policy in Facebook Button, Facebook Comments, Facebook Embed, and Facebook Page widgets
Tweak: Refactor string translation calls to use native WP translation methods
Tweak: Convert `home_url` license API call to `get_site_url` for better compatibility
Tweak: Promoted Default to New Theme Builder and Scroll Snap experiments to Stable status in Experiments screen
Tweak: Scroll Snap experiment set to active by default for all websites in Experiments screen
Tweak: Scrolling Effects in Header and Section backgrounds are not working as expected when effects are relative to the entire page
Tweak: Added "Auto Updates" capability to Pro versions
Tweak: Removed sequenced animation hover effect option from Classic skin in Call to Action widget
Tweak: Added "Excerpt Length" control in Post Excerpt widget
Tweak: Deleted deprecated methods from Query Control module
Tweak: Adjusted Inline-CSS Experiment to work with Additional Custom Breakpoints experiment
Fix: Automatically open cart functionality didn't work in product page in WooCommerce Menu Cart widget
Fix: Buttons are not visible when there are too many products in the cart in WooCommerce Menu Cart widget
Fix: Mini cart modal z-index is too low in WooCommerce Menu Cart widget
Fix: Side cart buttons are not visible at first glance on mobile in WooCommerce Menu Cart widget
Fix: Read More field recognizes inline HTML elements as plain text in Posts and Archive Posts widget
Fix: Load More functionality caused JS error console in Posts widget
Fix: Autoplay is not working as expected when the lazy load is active in Video Playlist widget
Fix: Right navigation area wasn't 100% clickable in Post Navigation widget
Fix: Posts duplicate when there are two Posts widgets inside a page using pagination functionality
Fix: Global widget changes are not reflected on frontend
Fix: JS Error console message when using the Load More functionality and Post Per Page option in Posts widget
Fix: Heading styling is not being loaded when Inline CSS experiment is active in Post and Page Title widgets
Fix: Sticky offset not working as expected when changing device mode on the browser
Fix: Scroll Snap functionality wasn't applied on Templates and Archives
Fix: Toggle icon color didn't work on hover state when Inline Font Icons experiment is activated in Nav Menu widget
Fix: Variations style controls are not working as expected in WooCommerce Add to Cart widget
Fix: Display conditions module is not working as expected when using the new Theme Builder UI
Fix: Edit header handles `z-index` issues in Header document
Fix: Panel icons UI glitch in Call To Action widget
Fix: WordPress 5.9 `WP_User_query` `who` argument deprecation adjustments
Elementor PRO is an unlimited WordPress page builder. For a builder that allows you to create a professional design and is equipped with advanced features that have not yet been seen in WordPress.
Elementor PRO is a drag and drop page builder that lets you create responsive page layouts using a live editing interface so you can see your changes right away. Included are advanced features such as parallax scrolling, background images for wide layout, advanced buttons, custom headers and more.