Free Story Script - Download SPX Story Script


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Dec 9, 2019
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Free Story Script - Download SPX Story Script

It is a story sharing script prepared for people who want to open a story site. This script, once distributed for a fee, is then distributed free of charge by its owner. Thanks to the many features of the script, you can control and manage your site very eventually.

Script Features
Pages opened in less than 1 second.
Full sef link.
Automatic cache in queries with ezSQL.
General sitemap, tag sitemap and rss system.
10 adjustable advertising spaces. (Right constant, Left constant, Popup, Splash, Logoyani, Header, Sitebar, Content 1, Content2, Mobile Ad)
To be able to set meta tags of all pages from the panel,
Assign custom titles to content and tag pages.
Ability to automatically adjust the starting part of the story.
Category operations. (Add, edit, delete)
Categories-specific meta settings. (title, keyword, description)
Story operations. (Add, edit, delete)
Automatic meta creation system when adding stories.
Scoring system in stories.
The feature of sending visitors a story.
Communication section.
To see the messages sent from the communication from the panel.
Comment system in stories. (Admin approved)
Ability to change the site background color from the panel.
Story search system.
Random stories.

Installing the script
After throwing the script files to your ftp;
Make the Pictures folder cmod 777.
Import the site.sql file into the database.
Change the contents of the settings.php file that you throw to ftp as follows.
$ user: db username
$ password: db password
$ name: db name
$ site: your site address (it should end up with slash (/).)

Php Script

File Password:

Script Download