Pts iMart is powerful theme, it has intuitive theme control panel that includes all necessary built-in options and tools: megamenu builder, layout management, theme setting, compression, etc. The Live theme editor allows user to customize theme real time based on predefined parameters. Pts iMart includes the No hacking core prestashop codes to help secure your store. The theme is optimized to improve performance of your site.
- Prestashop Version : 1.6.1.x, 1.7.1.x, 1.7.2.x, 1.7.3.x, 1.7.4.x
* Update theme to prestashop 1.7.4.x Update psverticalmenu, psmegamenu, pssliderlayer, pspagebuilder, ptsthemepanel, ptstestimonial, leofeature modules
- Version 2.0.2 – 30th July, 2018
see for more details