Mathwork Matlab R2022b.9.13 Packages for Win.Lin.Mac


Aug 20, 2022
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Mathwork Matlab R2022b.9.13 Packages for Win.Lin.Mac
Size: 31.99 GB Type: Apps Year: 2022 Version: R2022b.9.13

Release Year/Date : 2022
Version : 9.13_R2022b
Developer : Mathworks
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : English
Tablet : Not required
System requirements : the same as the corresponding version of matlab
Hardware requirements : the same as the corresponding version of matlab

Description : In the distribution of additional packages for Matlab 9.13 R2022b for all three platforms ( Windows , Linux , MacOS) . These additional packages expand the scope of Matlab to specific equipment (such as cameras, microcontrollers, arduins , plis, oscilloscopes, etc.), to software functionality (such as opencv, popular deep learning models, the mingw compiler, etc.), to infrastructure (various cloud services, different types of databases, etc.). Well, you get the idea ... everything different that the matrixworks considered very specific and bracketed the main installer "for everyone" (apparently to save the size of the main installer)

How to install under all platforms is written in Setup.txt. During installation, your matlab will start, plus a window for selecting and installing components. I explain this to the fact that you also look at the taskbar (if suddenly your matlab window insolently overlaps the component installation window and you will be at a loss like "launched ... and what?".
On the account of the need for distributions with matlab packages on the tracker, please vote at the very top!
If the installer starts asking you for logins / passwords for some reason, try restarting the installer by blocking its access to the Internet

Simplification for Windows
Under Windows, you may find it more convenient to use the auxiliary Setup.cmd file, which can simply be run as Administrator (if you have Matlab installed in the default folder C:\Program Files\Matlab\R2022b) ... and run with the parameter pointing to folder of matlab 9.13 via Win+R (if you have matlab installed in some manually specified folder) ... you can run the cmd file with the parameter and in any other way convenient for you

