Beautiful SEF URLs, SEO Content Analysis with Yoast, Google Lighthouse / PageSpeed Optimization, Facebook Instant Articles and XML Sitemaps for Joomla! Route 66 PRO supports Joomla! content, K2, Virtuemart and HikaShop.
Flexible SEF URL Definition Using
Route 66 Patterns allows you to define your site's SEF URLs using templates and not be limited to limited URL parameters! Templates can include any friendly URL character along with some tokens to generate dynamic variables (such as article dates). Here are some examples of URL patterns that you can use in Route 66:
blog / {articleYear} / {articleMonth} / {articleAlias}
{categoryAlias} / {articleAlias}
page- {articleId}
{categoryPath} / {articleAlias}
Flexible SEF URL Definition Using
Route 66 Patterns allows you to define your site's SEF URLs using templates and not be limited to limited URL parameters! Templates can include any friendly URL character along with some tokens to generate dynamic variables (such as article dates). Here are some examples of URL patterns that you can use in Route 66:
blog / {articleYear} / {articleMonth} / {articleAlias}
{categoryAlias} / {articleAlias}
page- {articleId}
{categoryPath} / {articleAlias}