Search results

  1. moonfire

    V1.7 Malicious code in Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders v3

    Malicious code in Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders v3 (Module at In the file abandonedcart/abandonedcart.php around line 1405 there is a base64encoded code. If you decode it you can see that the code trying to create...
  2. moonfire

    IOS WebViewGold for iOS v11.2 – WebView URL/HTML to iOS app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more! (Nulled)

    Let’s convert your websites and web apps into apps for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)! This app template supports all kinds of web apps/websites (including HTML, PHP, WordPress, Progressive Web Apps, HTML 5 Games, WiX, Jimdo,, bubble, Webflow, ...). WebViewGold comes with a 100% Apple...
  3. moonfire

    Android WebViewGold for Android v11.6 – WebView URL/HTML to Android app + Push, URL Handling, APIs & much more! (Nulled)

    Let’s convert your websites and web apps into apps for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch)! This app template supports all kinds of web apps/websites (including HTML, PHP, WordPress, Progressive Web Apps, HTML 5 Games, WiX, Jimdo,, bubble, Webflow, ...). WebViewGold comes with a 100% Apple...
  4. moonfire

    v1.6-v1.7 Load CSS and JS Files on Different Pages [Free Module]

    I found a quit clever module if you add your own JavaScript or CSS code thru admin. If your JS/CSS is only required on a certain page, its unnecessary to include it on all pages. With this module you can insert the code so its just loads on the pages where it needs to be loaded. I haven't tested...
  5. moonfire

    V1.7 Out Of Stock Combination Change (mod with cron) [Free Module]

    Description: Tired of having misleading stock messages when the default combination is out of stock and other combinations are in stock? With this module, you never have to worry about a product showing out of stock when other combinations are available! Demo original module...
  6. moonfire

    V1.7 [image question, ETS Super Speed] Why save .webp with .jpg extension?

    In ETS Super Speed under "Image optimization" there is the following setting: "Change file extension to .webp for product images when converting?" This setting is disabled by default. What's the reason for not use .webp as extension in a webp-image? If a browser doesn't support .webp, it...
  7. moonfire

    V1.7 Conflict with 'Electron Mega Electronic Super Store' and 'Super Speed'

    I had the module 'Super Speed - Incredibly fast - GTmetrix optimization' installed on a shop, then I installed the theme 'Electron Mega Electronic Super Store'. When I activated the theme, Super Speed became messed up. There is probably some kind of conflict with a css or js-file. I just cant...
  8. moonfire

    V1.7 Prestashop Advanced Best Sellers (Modified to limit products on best-sales)

    This is a modification I made to the module Prestashop Advanced Best Sellers. With this modification you will also be able to set the total number of products to be display on the best-sales page ( The changes/additions I made in the module are quite few, but...
  9. moonfire

    V1.7 Nuranium | Multi-Purpose Marketplace Prestashop 1.7 Theme [ v1.7.0 ( 12/08/2021 ) ]

    Nuranium | Multi-Purpose Marketplace Prestashop 1.7 Theme ( Compatible Knowband Marketplace ) Nuranium ver 1.7.0 Nuranium ver 1.7.0 ( 12/08/2021 ) ======================================= - [Update] Compatible with Prestashop latest version - [Fixed] Some minor bugs DEMO...
  10. moonfire

    v1.6-v1.7 Hide out of stock products in PrestaShop automatically - Free PrestaShop module

    This is a free module! "...Our Product status update is a free PrestaShop module that helps you to hide out of stock products in PrestaShop automatically." I have tried the module "Hide or show products module (by stock price geoip)", and it slows down the site as f**k. If you only just want to...
  11. moonfire

    V1.7 Theme by ThemeVolty (Electron, Sephora, Electronic...)

    Im looking for a theme by ThemeVolty. Among otheres they have made Electron, Sephora, Electronic, Kkillur, Toolza. They are located at and Any theme of their paid theme would be awesome.